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Bloodless wins the Rintoul!

July 27th, 2009 josepharagon

BloodlessFrom the Fringe Press Release:

During the finale of FRINGE AFTER DARK: The Night Shift with hosts Ken Rudderham and Tim Cranwill on the final evening of the festival, Rory Runnells of the Manitoba Association of Playwrights (MAP) presented the Harry S. Rintoul Memorial Award for Best New Manitoban Play to Joseph Aragon for his musical Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare. Joseph received $500 from MAP and a Superpass for the 2010 Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival. This is the second time Joseph has received the Harry S. Rintoul Award — the first was at the 2003 festival for The Unlikely Sainthood of Madeline McKay.

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